IF YOU ALSO NEED ALCOHOL AND DRUG TREATMENT OR AN ASSESSMENT- SIGN UP FOR AN ALCOHOL AND DRUG INTAKE SESSION BEFORE SCHEDULING ANGER MANAGEMENT OR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES.COURT ORDERED REFERRAL PROCEDURE: Teras has been approved by some local supervising authorities for court ordered domestic violence/batterer intervention programming. Check with your probation office before calling us to see if they will approve your attendance in our program. Then follow the instructions below.DVIP INTAKE APPOINTMENTS MUST BE PAID AT LEAST HALF OF $150 INTAKE FEE IN ADVANCE BEFORE CALLING and SCHEDULING AN APPOINTMENT.PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO PAY AND SIGN UP FOR THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM INTAKE:1) We can take a payment through PayPal using your PayPal account or debit/credit card. Click this link to go to the Teras payment page with the PayPal instructions. https://sites.google.com/a/terasinc.org/teras/client-payments/paypal-payments 2) After submitting the payment you can forward the confirmation email you received to info@terasinc.org. 3) We will reply to your email and or call you with a list of appointment days and times we have available. 4) You will need to commit to making an intake appointment within two weeks of the payment date. If you do not show and do not call at least 48 hours in advance the payment may be void and you will need to follow steps 1-3 again to be placed back on the intake schedule. Refunds will only be issued with at least 48 hours notice of cancellation. 5) Once you are on the schedule we will send a phone and text message reminder 4 days before and 24 hours prior to your appointment.DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM PROBATION REFERRALS Please contact your referral source and let them know this is your preferred program. Follow the intake appointment instructions above to schedule an intake appointment.Domestic Violence Program Policies,Values and PricingTeras DVIP programs are congruence with most state regulations for domestic violence intervention programs for men and women perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Throughout the program, safety for adults and children who have been abused or at risk of being abused is ourhighest concern. TheDomestic Violence Intervention and Alcohol and Other Drug Outpatient program isinformed by, and accountable to, the experience of victims and survivors ofabuse and the vast knowledge of grassroots domestic violence advocacy and addiction recovery movements. Victim's experiences and responses to abuse are not universal; therefore, theprogram must respect the rights and individual differences of survivors at alltimes. The program is guided by the following principles and philosophy: Values of the Domestic Violence Intervention Program for Perpetrators Violenceis a choice- and individuals who abuse are solely responsible for theiractions. Angerdoes not cause violence- Violence is a chosen medium through which onecommunicates anger (Gondolf, Hanneken 1987). Peopleabuse to control - not because of a loss of control. Abuse is not the result ofa loss of emotional control and is not necessarily accompanied by anger. Often the opposite is true. The abuse is controlled and focused on outcomes that favor the abusive person. Our groups are led by trained co-facilitators,within an established curriculum which includes strategies to hold the offenderaccountable for the violence in the relationship. The discussion of violent andcoercive incidents during a group session is used as a means to identify andconfront the specific controlling behaviors and beliefs promoting it in orderto achieve an end to those behaviors. Alcoholand drug use is not the cause of domestic violence- but it often amplifies the severityof violence. Mentalillness does not cause domestic abuse- and is no excuse for abusing anotherperson. Far too often people with mental illness are the ones being abused butthe stigma of mental illness has transferred into the collective opinion thatdomestic violence offenders must be mentally ill. We strive to end this publicperception through a variety of public education outreach programs Anend to violence will only occur when a community responds- and an abuser assumesfull accountability for abusive behavior. Abusedoes not discriminate-Although men are the primary source of severe abuse in mostintimate relationships, abuse is not dependent on gender, socioeconomic status,sexual orientation, ethnicity, or age. We offer gender and culturally specific intervention when possible and refer clients out to the appropriate agency if we cannot fulfill their needs. DomesticViolence and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse is an emergency health crisis and needs to be addressed immediately; therefore weseek to provide equal access to services for all - including the person doingthe abusing. Teras Intervention Financial Policy Pricing is subject to income level and other factors. Cost includes any individual intervention or additional weekly DV groups as deemed appropriate for the program goals and client’s progress. Additional groups, such as alcohol and drug treatment may be billed to insurance or cost an additional fee for cash paying clients. Advanced payment is strongly encouraged and positively reinforced with discount price levels for groups. Given the many payment options we provide for our clients, there is no excuse for not completing our program due to financial difficulty. Our main goal in the domestic violence intervention program is the safety of their victims and society. Thus, by providing payment alternatives, we ensure that our clients continue to make beneficial life changes by remaining in the program consistently and discontinue their abusive behavior. Financial agreement for clients Each client will have a signed financial fee agreement with conditions of payment. If these conditions are not met, the client’s program enrollment will be terminated unless other payment options have been established. Alternative payment options include vouchers from community referral agencies and natural support systems (such as churches, synagogues, mosques, or other spiritual community resources) or vouchers from The Department of Human Services Child Welfare Department. ProgramPolicy and Procedures Attendance andtardiness policies: Followingthe four-part intake, participants will be involved in the program for at least48 weekly, one and a half hour sessions. Upon program completion, participants will begin a three-monthtransition period, consisting of at least one group session per month and anyadditional sessions deemed necessary by the program. Individuals will be allowed a maximum of one absence per twelve-week cycle, and three latearrivals will equal one absence. Clientswho do not make the group by the required time will not have to pay for thesession, but they will not receive credit. Anyone who misses more than three sessions in a twelve-week cycle may bedismissed from the program. Any dismissalfrom the program will include the full cooperation and consultation of thereferring agency and be conducted at the discretion of the program. Absentee notification policy: Anyone who misses more than one group will receive aprobation notification. Participants on probation may also receivenotification or even disciplinary action from referents. As the program participant is responsible forcommunicating with probation and other referring agencies, Teras Interventionsaccepts no liability for such consequences. If situations arise that require clients to make an adjustment in theirgroup participation, we will assess each case individually in order to appropriatelydetermine the need for accountability or accommodation. Completionrequirements: Each client must attend group sessions and complete all program assignments as determined at the timeof intake. Any additional programassignments will be given on a needs basis at the facilitator’sdiscretion. No clients will achieveprogram completion until they have met all personal program goals, made allpayments, and completed the final exit interview and Continuing Accountability Plan. Before program completion, all referents willbe notified for consultation. In somecases, a formal notification will be given to the victim, informing them of theperpetrators release from our program. Victims will also be notified if a client is released before programcompletion. Our program dischargecriteria are research-based and dependent on client self-reports and programstaff assessments. Successful completionof a domestic violence intervention program does not guarantee that anindividual will not repeat abusive behavior. We will not testify as to the appropriateness or inappropriateness ofchild custody placements or the modification/removal of no contact orders. Group format: Co-facilitation:Whenever possible, Teras Intervention groups are conducted by at least one maleand one female in order to establish an egalitarian model of intervention,which increases accountability and models healthy egalitarian relationshipsbased on the mutual respect of each facilitator. The group curriculum will focus onaccountability, social influences, power and control, and patriarchalstructures that lead to abuse. Colluding and accountabilitypolicy: Wepromote high standards of accountability to prevent colluding from staff members, either overtly or inadvertently. Facilitators arerequired to model appropriate relationships at all times, and any deviationfrom this policy may result in disciplinary action in the form of a report tothe local family violence council. Staff and contracting agents willreceive ongoing training in colluding and its impact on victim safety. Regular client staffing will be conducted tobetter ensure that an objective and consistent standard is being applied to allclients at all stages of the program. Advocacy agencies are welcomed to observe and assess our programpolicies and procedures and recommend necessary changes in accordance with ourfinancial and personnel resources. Culturally specific programming for spiritually oriented men: Mendesiring to experience an intervention model with a spiritual emphasis can addthe Changing Men Changing Livescurriculum supplement to our standard intervention groups. Building on our main curriculum, A Process of Change for Men who Batter, and the Alternatives to Domestic Aggression curriculum thesupplement extends the foundation of our work to end battering, while exploringpartnership and Biblical equality. The supplementadapts the content of both the Equality Wheel and Power & Control Wheel toa Christian perspective, and includes activities and exercises that help men becomeall they can be in Christ. We believe the character of Christ epitomizesseveral vital attributes which reinforce healthy human interaction. These attributes include humbleness,accountability, a desire to serve and encourage others, tolerance, and a commitmentto love those around us. Committed to Evidence-BasedPractices: We will maintainfriendly and open relationships with local and national researchers and utilizecurrent research to continually update our programming, policies andprocedures, and required staff training. We acknowledge that we are incapable of knowing every best practicewithout the continued relationship with advocates and researchers in the areaof domestic violence intervention, trauma recovery, substance misuse, and otherissues that concern us. Some of Our Curriculum Resources Please email the program director Phil Broyles at info@terasinc.org to request and receive any materials. Creating a Process of Change for Men WhoBatter This manual only contains curricula and does not make up theso-called “Duluth Model”. We strive tomake our program evidenced-based and research-driven and recognize that theDuluth Curriculum has been criticized by some as being ineffective. However, the Duluth model and curriculum forBIP’s are dependent upon a community-coordinated response and are notstand-alone interventions for violence. They are also dependent upon the skill ofstaff members who implement the interventions. Thus, until we discover a more effective evidence-based, research-guidedcurriculum, we will continue to use some of the Duluth Curriculum in combination withother curriculum resources. (For an article concerning the Duluth Curriculum and outcomestudies see http://www.duluth-model.org/.) Man to Man These education workbooks and materials make up part of ourprimary curriculum requirements and are based on the work of Edward W. Gondolf,EdD, MPH, from the University of Pittsburgh (www.iup.edu/maati). This 50-page, reader-friendly book containspersonal accounts and basic exercises which encourage men to start workingtoward change while reinforcing domestic violence intervention strategies. The book contains five short chapters,including: “Facing the Facts,” “But I'm not Abusive!,” “It's Not My Fault!,”“What Can I Do about Abuse?,” and “How Do I Change.” Alternatives to Domestic Aggression(ADA) These three materials are excellent cognitive behaviorchange workbooks and are free to print for program use. Furthermore, allcurriculum resources used in our program will be available for anyone to viewand download on our website. Christian Focus Program In combination with our main Duluth curriculum, the Christ-focusedvoluntary program material extends the foundation of our work on endingbattering while exploring partnership and Biblical equality. The supplement adapts the Equality Wheel andPower & Control Wheel information to a Christian perspective and containsactivities and exercises that help men become all they can be in Christ. We firmly believe that God made man and woman in His imageand equal representations of all aspects of His person. We believe God is both masculine and femininein nature and brings the fullness of His presence into the lives of believerswhen they unite in marriage. We also acknowledge that some programs deny this fact andeven discourage men from seeking spiritual support for fear of colluding withina hierarchical and patriarchal Christian community. While we recognize this dynamic exists insome church communities, we also know that it is not God’s design for our livesand communities. Therefore, we continueto reach out to the Christian community, asking difficult questions andchallenging theology which promotes the systemic oppression of women in anyform. We also accept support fromcommunities that acknowledge the equality of women and promote our program andcommunity partnership goals. Groups for Women Groups for women are tailored to each woman's needs. Individual sessions are available if no groups are in session. VISTA: A Program for Women Usually in combination with: Treatment of Women Arrested for Domestic Violence: Women ending abusive/violent episodes respectfully (WEAVER) Manual. (2003) For secondary and primary aggressors with alcohol and or drug addiction and trauma; Seeking SafetyRecovery Groups for Women The mental and emotional distress faced by womenexperiencing serious abuse is overwhelming. Almost half the women reporting serious domestic violence meet thecriteria for major depression, one-fourth for post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD). Furthermore, 28 percent havesymptom scores as high as a norming group of persons entering outpatienttreatment (Goodwin et al., 2003). We offer the SeekingSafety recovery from PTSD and substance abuse (www.seekingsafety.org) as a supplemental intervention tool for women in recovery from abuse and substance disorders. Seeking Safety is an evidence-basedpractice, meeting field criteria as an effective treatment for PTSD/substanceabuse (Chambless & Hollon 1998). Program discharge criteria Our program is not time based and contains very specific andstrict criteria which abusive men must fulfill before receiving a letter ofcompletion for probation requirements. As we do not have a one-size-fits-all program, each person must completea personalized behavioral adjustment plan with clearly outlined goals andobjectives. However, in order tocomplete our program, participants must meet the following minimum requirements:
Sources Chambless & Hollon (1998). Definingempirically supported therapies. Consultingand Clinical Psychology, 66, 7-18. Department of Justice (2005). Selected Research Results onViolence Against Women.http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/topics/crime/violence-against-women/selected-results.htm. Edward, Gondolf, & Hanneken, J. (1987). The genderwarrior: reformed batterers on abuse, treatment, and change. Journal of Family Violence, 2, 177-191. Gondolf, Edward (1995) Discharge Criteria for Batterer Programs.http://www.mincava.umn.edu/documents/gondolf/discharge/discharge.html#id2571636. Goodwin, S.N., Chandler, S., Meisel, J. (2003). Violence Against Women: The Role of WelfareReform. from http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/205792.pdf. Federal Register (2007), 72(15), 3147–3148. Mandel, D. (2002).Did he successfully complete the program? Issuesin Family Violence, 4(4). Sharps, P., Campbell, J.C., Campbell, D., Gary, F., &Webster, D. (2003). RiskyMix: Drinking, Drug Use, and Homicide. In Intimate Partner Homicide, NIJJournal, 250, 8-13. Shepard, M.F., Falk, D.R., Elliot, B.A. (2002). Enhancingcoordinated community responses to reduce recidivism in cases of domestic violence.Journal of Interpersonal Violence,17(5), 551-569.